How To Refer A Real Estate Agent


Real estate agents know how lucrative it is to receive referrals from other agents. Being a part of two-way referrals is one of many lucrative aspects of your business. This is a fact, but most agents aren't taking advantage of it as well as they should.

A game plan is essential for agents to generate referrals. This article offers some tips for creating one. The strategy is simply a combination of the power of the Internet and good old-fashioned networking.

Using the Networking Power of the Internet

The internet makes it possible Real Estate Agents Near Sedona to communicate with people across the country as well as around the globe. This is especially true when it comes to social networks like Active Rain and LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and many other.

For most real estate agents, however, it is hard to see how using social networking sites such as Active Rain and LinkedIn can help their business. Since real estate agents are primarily working with local clients, it is hard to see how having professional contacts in cities across the continent can benefit you.

Facebook, Twitter, and others allow you to network with local people. You could search for friends or followers in your local area, town, or city. You may also consider joining Facebook groups with members who share similar interests. Imagine a group made up of concerned citizens who formed a Facebook group to protest a proposed big-box shopping center that is being built on the outskirts. Perhaps there are a couple or photographer group or small business group that meets in your area.

There are obvious risks to getting involved in such groups. Some people may not feel the need to identify with the cause, while others may find it less appealing. The range of interests on Facebook and Twitter is so large that it can be difficult to find people who may be interested in your services. Nearly any local group will contain people with other causes or entrepreneurs, children killing time, and people just wanting to share news and pictures with their families and friends.

These people don't want you to pitch real estate services, even in subtle ways, in every post and comment that you make. You will have to be more persuasive in your marketing messages than you are in order to make people want to sign up for your services.

What you want is to find people interested in real-estate issues and opportunities in your area. You won't find them on Facebook, Twitter or Active Rain.

Other real estate agents are also available on many of these sites. But is this really a good thing? They are not potential clients. They won't buy a house in your area or city.

Real estate agents may be available on these websites who are open to exchanging referrals. It is a good idea to do this on a site that has this as its main focus. These agents are those who believe that "If I scratch your back, you'll scratch mine." That is a great place where you can start your quest for a productive and solid referral network.

Old Fashioned Networking: The Other Necessary Intake

The internet, despite its potential to be a powerful communication tool, can sometimes prove disappointing for marketing. It is not enough to just have a blog or website. Customers are not guaranteed by a website or blog. It is impossible to guarantee that people who are willing to share referrals will be open to sharing them with you, even if they are part of a group. You will need to work hard to get responses from your network. This is what we call "good, old-fashioned networking".

It is a fact that people won't buy or use your services simply because you are online. The majority of people will not find you on the internet. Even if they do find you, most people will not trust or choose you over the competition. It is hard to believe that someone who has spent hundreds of thousands to build a website will find this difficult to accept.

Participation on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter or Active Rain is also a good idea. Participating is not enough. You must participate. Participation can help you meet new friends, followers and find networking partners. Participating involves sharing your thoughts, experiences, and taking an interest in others' work. You can also comment on their ideas and offer suggestions when they are struggling.

This is what "good old-fashioned networking" means - connecting with people who have common interests, sharing ideas and generating opportunities with them, as well as showing interest in what they're doing.

Is it possible to combine these two elements - the power and old-fashioned networking with the internet - and create a profitable marketing strategy? It is possible to establish a referral network of agents that works.

Yes, it is. And the process is quite straightforward. Find other agents that are open to networking with you. It is a great place to start, especially for sites that are dedicated to agent referrals.

You must also build relationships with them. Introduce yourself, ask their questions and respond to their queries. Show them that you are interested in what is going on. You should establish a system to communicate with your clients on a regular basis, just as you do with your clients. You'll be amazed at how many interesting people you meet and how productive this network can be.


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